Meet your new favorite travel planning tool. Powered by our data and AI, we'll help you discover your next vacation.

Starting destination: 
What are you looking for in your next trip?
Try something specific like: what direct flights are offered to beach destinations under $500?

Ask KAYAK is powered by OpenAI's artificial intelligence model, ChatGPT. All information is presented as-is and without verification by KAYAK. All use is at your own risk. KAYAK may process your input and the generated recommendations for quality and product improvement purposes. Don't enter personal or sensitive info.

How to use it.

  1. 1.Discover destinations.

    Ideas for your next trip start here. Enter a prompt based on your budget, travel dates or interests and we'll find you destination options from around the world.
  2. 2.Get to where you're going.

    The best way to get to your destination? We know it. We'll tell you how to get to your destination with various recommendations so you can choose what works for you.
  3. 3.Zoom in on your options.

    Ask for flights, stays, things to do and more. We'll round up and sort through the results so you can weigh your options and make plans.
  4. 4.Make your move.

    Timing can be everything, especially when it comes to a destination's busy season and varying prices. Figure out when to take your trip based on our travel insights.

How to use it.

For best results.

Ask KAYAK a travel-related question or prompt and we will search our data for the best options. Try to include a destination, date, budget or travel accommodation in your prompt - the more specific you can get, the more likely we'll be able to find an accurate answer.

We're still learning.

Nobody's perfect - not even robots. It might take a few tries for Ask KAYAK to get you what you're looking for. If you're not satisfied with our answer, let us know. We'll do our best to try and make it right for the next time.

More helpful tools.

Simplify planning with Trips.

Our Trips feature organizes all your travel details in one place so you can easily find your plans.

See how we use ChatGPT.

Read up on KAYAK’s integration on ChatGPT and how this tech uses our search data to help plan trips.

Nail your travel timing.

Use Best Time to Travel to determine when to take your trip and when to book for a great price.

Top International Flight Routes.

Cheap flights, hotels, rental cars and travel deals:

KAYAK searches hundreds of other travel sites at once to find the best deals on airline tickets, cheap hotels, vacations and car rentals.