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Since 2004, KAYAK has been revolutionising the travel industry. Metasearch for travel? No one was doing it. Until we did. Today, we process billions of queries across our platforms each year for travel information, helping millions of travellers around the globe make confident decisions. With every query, KAYAK searches hundreds of travel sites to show travellers the information they need to find the right flights, hotels, hire cars and holiday packages.
International spring break is cheaper in 2024.
It’s that time of the year to pack up the car and score some tan lines. For anyone looking...
Travel etiquette: traditional ceremonies
Experiencing a new culture is a thrill. It’s part of why we travel. However, a new culture can also...
Barbados is the island for everyone, and is known as the Culinary Capital of the Caribbean!
You'll find the kind of food that makes you book a flight just to have it again; the kind...
How KAYAK Price Alerts get you the best travel deals
Traveling doesn't need to break the bank. With KAYAK Price Alerts, we help you find the best travel deals...
Europe for less: Where, when & how to save on summer travel
Explore the cheapest time of year to book your summer vacation to Europe according to KAYAK’s newest data.
8 US hotels perfect for a “Workcation”
Whether you’re an entrepreneur, freelancer, side-hustler, business traveller or simply in need of a change of scenery, these hotels...
7 tips for stress-free holiday travel
With Christmas week being one of the busiest times to travel, head into the holiday prepared. We’ve rounded up...
5 unique ways to see New York City using KAYAK Guides
There are countless ways to see New York City. Find the one that’s right for you with personalized travel...
Cyber Monday: Are there any travel deals?
One of the best days to score affordable travel is Cyber Monday and if you’re looking for deals, we...