Confident travel starts at KAYAK.

Since 2004, KAYAK has been revolutionizing the travel industry. Metasearch for travel? No one was doing it. Until we did.

Today, we process billions of queries across our platforms each year for travel information, helping millions of travellers around the globe make confident decisions. With every query, KAYAK searches hundreds of travel sites to show travellers the information they need to find the right flights, hotels, rental cars and vacation packages.

In over a decade, we've grown from a small office of 14 employees into a company of over 1,000 travel-loving teammates working across 7 international brands; KAYAK, SWOODOO, checkfelix, momondo, Cheapflights, Mundi and HotelsCombined. Together, we make it easier for everyone to experience the world.

In 2013, we were acquired by Booking Holdings, the world leader in online travel.

KAYAK by the numbers.

Our passion for data informs everything we do. Every team member at KAYAK knows our business inside and out, down to the numbers.

Brands managed by KAYAK
International sites
See them here
Members of the team
(including our furry office friends)
International offices
Site languages

Interested in a career at KAYAK?


Remember: as a travel search engine, KAYAK doesn't sell or process your tickets or reservations. We just make sure you find the travel information you need to get out there and experience your world.

Top International Flight Routes.

Cheap flights, hotels, rental cars and travel deals:

KAYAK searches hundreds of other travel sites at once to find the best deals on airline tickets, cheap hotels, vacations and car rentals.

Not what you’re looking for? Find thousands of other hotels, flights, car rentals and package deals with KAYAK.