
Summer is officially in the rear-view mirror and we’re already dreaming of the next long weekend. Lucky for our friends up north, Thanksgiving is about a month away and the perfect excuse to get back to traveling. But after a long summer, budgets are limited and you’re probably wondering when you should book your flight for the best price. We took a look at our Travel Hacker Data to make sure you know when to book, what days of the week will get you the best prices and about how much you should expect to spend on a ticket. Travel Problem Solved.

Based on last year’s search data, if you’re traveling within North America, prices steadily rise as you approach the departure date so it’s best to book as early as possible. Just make sure that you book at least 7 days in advance, as data revealed a significant spike in median airfare if you booked within 7 days of departure. Departing on Saturday and returning on either Tuesday or Wednesday can also get you lower fares. And with median airfare for flights within North America sitting at about $637 CAD**, there’s no reason not to head home this holiday season.

If you like what you see, be on the lookout for our 2015 Holiday Travel Hacker where we’ll give you the where, when and how much of US Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s Eve travel. Travel Problem Solved.

*Based on departures from Canada for travel leaving between 10/07/2014 and 10/13/2014 and returning between 10/14/2014 and 10/20/2014.

**Price based on conversion rate of: 1 US Dollar equals 1.33 Canadian Dollars as of 9/14/15