As the world’s leading travel search engine, we sift through hundreds of sites to provide travellers with the options they need - but how do you decide which is best? That’s why we wanted to recognize our top-rated partners, as chosen by travellers to help you plan for your next adventure. Based on 2022 reviews, here are the travel companies to look for during your next search.
As far as airlines go, these are pretty fly. Find out which carriers set high standards over the last year.
When these hotels said, “enjoy your stay,” they meant it. See which ones made travellers feel right at home over the last year.
Some rental agencies really go the extra mile for travellers. Discover which companies made it easy to get going over the last year.
No two places are the same, but there’s one thing all these destinations have in common: they were among some of the top-searched places by travellers over the last year.
KAYAK's Travel Awards highlights the ways our partners are going above and beyond for travelers, according to reviews from the travellers themselves. All award recipients have not only met our standards of excellence but have also received highly favourable reviews and ratings. To qualify, we looked at more than a full year of reviews left or accumulated on KAYAK and See here for the complete methodology.