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Travel Awards badges and certificates

Easily embed your awards badge on your site and share your certificate to show travellers how great your service is. Select a type below to help us locate your badge and certificate.

Claim your KAYAK Awards badge and certificate:

Enter your destination name & search

Frequently asked questions

  • What are the KAYAK Travel Awards?

    The KAYAK Travel Awards promotes top-searched destinations and encourages more travelers to trust and visit these destinations. The KAYAK Travel Awards is based on searches from real travellers.

  • Who uses KAYAK Travel Award badges, certificates, and social templates?

    Destinations that have earned a badge, certificate, and social templates are permitted to use the assets to promote their services.

    The KAYAK Travel Award badges can be embedded and displayed on a destination's website to show travellers that they've been recognized in the Travel Awards. Each visitor to your website is a potential traveller, so be sure to let them know that travelers have searched your city as a top destination.

    The KAYAK Travel Award certificate can be printed and displayed where you want or it can be added to the website to be displayed digitally.

  • What is the selection criteria for earning a KAYAK Travel Award?

    The top-ranked destinations per category are the five most searched destinations among KAYAK users from January 1st, 2022, to October 31st, 2022. The minimum search limit was set to 1000 searches per city and category.

  • How do I add my KAYAK Travel Award badge to my website?

    To add a KAYAK Travel Award badge to your site, after selecting a target "Size" and "Theme" option for the badge, simply copy and insert the badge embed code into the source code of the page on your site where you want the badge to display.

  • Once my destinations listing is upgraded, how long will the upgrade be live for?

    The badges featured on the destinations listing will be live on your listing until the 2023 version of the Travel Awards is launched. The official website information will remain live once it's activated.